Chris Gupta, 

Thank you for correcting my error(s). As you can tell I haven't taken 
the time yet to compile a decent library on CS or absorb all the 
materials that are relevant. To that extent this is a case of the 
blind leading the blind. I *am* dependent on people like yourself who 
have more insight to correct me when I stray...

Thank you!

Mike D.

I wrote:
> >That's the problem with batteries, yes. But I think the idea that
> >leads Paul and I both to this simple battery unit is that it is the
> >most common recipe in circulation, and needs to be tested to see
> >what it is making before we can even know what needs to be improved.
> >It is basically Becker's original design, so we're starting at the
> >begining.

Chris Gupta wrote:
> The design that you all keep referring is from Robert (Bob) Beck and
> not from Robert Becker of the book "Body Electric" fame (a must read
> book) both these people have done research on CS but the design is
> due to Beck and not Becker. Think it would be a good idea to read
> Beck's paper. It is available from SOTA (at a cost) but now you can
> download the updated paper free as a pdf file form the following
> site. (Be warned it is big approx. 5 meg. You can download the whole
> file by pressing the shift key and clicking with the mouse on the
> pdf file.)
> Bob Beck keeps updating his designs and his protocol is one of the
> few well researched ones that I have come across. CS is only a part
> solution. I have built all his devices. The designs are all provided
> freely in the paper and in my opinion his approach, IF FOLLOWED
> RIGOROUSLY, could solve many of problems that are discussed on this
> and other health lists. The paper is very dense with info and must
> be read several times.
> If members are interested I can post to the list my electromedical
> reference material.

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