>Here is a situation I haven't seen addressed on the list before.   I just
>found out about an hour ago that one of my friends has been bitten by a
>Brown Recluse spider on his shin and at the moment the bite has spread to
>roughly two inches in diameter..  Does anyone on the list know of anyone
>that has effectively dealt with this problem using a zapper, Rife
>equipment, colloidal silver or any other alternative curing method?  Please
>post answers to list for other's benefit.

Brown Recluse bites are poisonous and the tissue will necrose--die and may
even need a skin graft--see a doc.  First aid as in any bite is activated
charcoal--open a capsule mix with some flax seed oil and put it directly on
the bite--draws out the poison, ice the extremity.

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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