Apologies to all and sundry.  I'm not going to have time
to send the comfrey before leaving for vacation.  Not only
do we have our plate full with vacation/disease/mother,
but I just bankrupted us on the commodities market.
Oh, well. . . .
Things happen as they should.  Since I've just unsubscribed
till we get back from vacation, I wanted you my friends to
know that I'll miss your sage counsel and keen wit.  I
also am aware of and deeply appreciate your tears and prayers
on our account.  Thanks for all the private Emails and all
the light sent our way.  We are trying to be considerate of
our server, so please save any responses after today (Aug. 4)
till after Aug. 19.
Wil Cavanaugh
Chuck Sanders

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>

  • COMFREY brains
    • Comfrey W. D. Cavanaugh