On Tue, 4 Aug 1998 07:42:49 -0400, Nancy B. wrote:

=>Another curiosity is that silver plating is done at very low
=>voltage over a long time.  I would think larger particles
=>are desired for that, maybe even that sludge like stuff.
Actually, the lower the voltage the smoother the finish.  If the plating 
voltage gets 
too high then the finish tends to be 'grainy'.  

=>The HVAC CS apparently has a longer shelf life too.  I would
=>guess this is because of the particles being very light
=>weight, and having lots of charge to keep them repelling
=>each other.
=>I saw some my doctor got from one of his patients; it was
=>kept in a white bottle for weeks, and was colorless.

So is my distilled water...

=>Nancy B.

George Martin

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