I've sent the following message to Hanna Instruments:

Dear Sir or Madam:

I am the moderator of an online mailing list for people who are
studying colloidal silver (CS). One of our goals is to test some of
the many recipes that have been widely distributed in hopes of
shedding some light on what is really being produced from them. One
requirement for that effort is a simple, approximate measurement of
concentration in the finished product.

Several of our members have contacted you in the past about
instruments for measuring concentration and have gotten more than one
answer to their questions. I'd like to try to resolve this confusion
so I can recommend the best instrument for the task.

The samples we're trying to measure are assumed to be distilled
water with moderately low concentrations of ionic silver and/or small
charged silver particles in colloidal suspension. Concentrations that
we expect are in the range of zero to a few tens of ppm. There should
be only negligible amounts of any other material.

The following instruments have been suggested to various people:


Several of our group already have the TDS-1. It is reasonably stable
even though I know I'm at the very bottom of it's operating range. How
can we *best* assure that we'll get sensible readings from one unit
and/or measurement to the next?

I dislike the idea of using an 800 ppm calibration solution
(HI-7032P) when I am trying to measure 0-30 ppm. Assuming the TDS-1
also works by measuring conductivity, is it possible to use the
HI-7033L conductivity standard (84 uS/cm) to calibrate the TDS-1? How
linear is the TDS-1 at the low end, and how much zero error is

The DiST-1-WP seems to suffer from the same limitations as the TDS-1,
only worse. The accuracy of the unit is 2% of full scale, which would
amount to 40 ppm. Again, just how linear will it be if calibrated at
the low end?

The PWT *seems* to be more appropriate to our application. It is at
least apparent we would be making better use of the electronics.

I do not know the basis for the relationship between TDS readings and
conductivity. Do the TDS-1 and DiST measure based on conductivity, and
their calibration is a verifiable relationship for a specific
material? Is a different calibration factor required for species with
different molecular/atomic weights? Would it be practical to adjust
the PWT calibration to show equivalent ppm directly?

I fully recognize there are limits to the accuracy and precision of
any instrument and measurement technique. Would you please provide me
with whatever references or background you feel I need in order to
understand the measurement technique used in these instruments enough
to be sure we are applying the results correctly?

Please contact me by e-mail or via telephone during business hours. I
would appreciate as much detail as you can afford to share with me, so
I may fully answer these questions for the members of our group.  And
please correct anything I've misunderstood in all of the second-
and-third-hand information I have received.

Be well,

Michael Devour
owner, silver-list

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>