loba kola wrote:

> i joined because my 57 year old dad just had colon cancer surgery
> ... has chosen to go alternative/natural ... a great md who
> practices alternative and nutritive therapies. ... to see if maybe
> there is something here that can help, or someone here who has
> some good advice. thanks :)

Hi loba,

I think you'll get info here on a lot besides CS. We've got many 
different, knowledgeable people to draw on. Use it as a jumping off 
point for further research and experimentation.

I'm a relative newbie to the alternative/natural medicine field, but 
one thing I already know is the importance, in your dad's situation, 
of really good nutrition. This means going beyond what you eat, which 
is important enough, to really good quality supplements to restore 
the mineral and vitamin balance of the food to what it *should* be.

Unless all or most of your food comes from rich, undepleted soils
that are not chemically fertilized, you'll not be getting the
minerals you need. Also, the more cooked and processed your food is,
the fewer vitamins, enzymes and other good stuff it contains. 

So that's one part of the equation. Others will have their own 
suggestions, from which I will be learning myself. I congratulate you 
and your dad on your courage in facing this situation and your 
willingness to "think outside the box."

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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