On Wed, 29 Jul 1998, chc wrote:

> Dear Reid;
>     I have $20 to kick off your microscope equipment fund drive. I do
> believe that Jim and your efforts will more than benefit the colloidal
> silver makers of America.
>     Please let us know where to send the check.
>     Good Luck and I trust that others will see the value of your
> equipment to their efforts. Dark field microscopes do not come cheap and
> the ability to check colloidal size, quality, and microorganism
> inhibition with it will be invaluable in the long run. Plus to have one
> of their own, whom they can trust to give them honest, diligent results
> is priceless.
> c...@jps.net
        I'm in for $20 also.  Where to send the check?

        I second chc's sentiments.

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