George Berezov wrote:

> I am part of a group of colloidal silver users who use CS to help
> hold our prostate cancer in check.Any one of us is an Electrical
> Engineer with at least 25 years of experience (one of us is a
> rocket scientist).

Welcome to the list George! Your experience and training will be 
most welcome here, provided you can accept a couple of quirks and 
limitations of the forum:

1) We are a non-commercial forum. Some folks have products and 
services they offer, but they don't get talked about much. We won't 
have any "my product's better than yours" or "that stuff isn't safe" 
kind of bickering. If you've used a commercial product to good 
effect, we'd be happy to know about it, but don't expect anyone to 
give up what they're already doing.

2) We emphasize do-it-yourself CS here, though not to the exclusion
of commercial products. *ONE OF OUR GOALS* is to study the
processes we are using to the point we *can* be sure of what we
get every time, and sensibly evaluate and compare any home-made or
commercial product. But in the meantime, plenty of positive results
have been had with homemade CS, and that won't go away. Plus, many
on the list are interested in CS for it's survivable qualities -- low
cost, low tech, self sufficient -- which cannot be obtained in 
purchased products.

3) Subjects discussed include those typical of the alternative health
field, and sometimes sound unscientific. It can be hard for folks
with a science/engineering background to not either try to "fix"
these people or throw their hands up in disgust and walk away. You
needn't do either. I won't keep people from discussing these other
topics occasionally, and you aren't required to believe them. You're
also not responsible for protecting others from themselves. It is
assumed that the readers of this list will make their own decisions
as to the safety and efficacy of anything they wish to try.

4) We have *many* survivors of mainstream medicine here who feel
they've been ill-served. Please be considerate of that fact and don't
assume that conventional practice is accepted or approved of. Most
people on the list will acknowledge the positive aspects of current
science and medicine, but will also be quick to tell you how wrong
some of those practices (and practitioners) are.

> IMHO most people go about useing CS in a BACKWARD manner !! First
> buy a bottle of above mentioned CS and test it against your medical
> needs.Then TRY to build an operational machine from your socalled

We have *many* things to learn, but those "socalled plans" have 
already helped a lot of people here get better.

> This is not as easy to do as you envison.

We know it is not easy, yes.

> Yes, your machine will make product but it will be of doubious
> quality!! 

That's a generalization that will offend the many people here who 
have made CS that works.

> Will it be satisfactory PPM? 


> Will it make produst that has a decent shelf life?

Irrelevant if it can be made on demand.

> Will each batch have the same test results of the previous one? 

If done carefully, yes.

> Who will test your product and how often and how much $$$ ? 

There are labs to do testing, and we've identified a few instruments 
and tests that are practical aids at home. Hopefully, when we're 
done, we'll be doing a lot of testing ourselves for next to nothing.

> You cannot tell if the CS is effective by examining the color of it.

Correct. However, in certain processes, color can be a useful 

> Both my Internist and Medical Oncologist have allowed me to include
> CS in my course of cancer treatment.

Given evidence of your assertiveness in this post, I don't think you
gave them much choice. <grin> *Every* consumer of medical care
should be as ready as you are to demand cooperation. Bravo!

> In the course of researching CS I have accumulated a bit of
> knowledge !!
> are invited to ask me anything about CS and if I don't
> know the proper answer I probably can make a strong effort to help
> you.

Thank you, George. We have a lot of different human resources here 
and it is always good to add more. A strong effort to help is all I 
can ask of anyone!

My place here is to keep the list working smoothly. I ask every 
participant to remain civil and be cooperative with the others. Do 
not attack others for their beliefs, or try to evangelize others to a 
particular point of view. We generally steer clear of politics and 
religion. Any commercial solicitations should be cleared with me in 
private e-mail before being issued to the list.

And just so you know, I *do* have a conventional background with 
training and experience in science and technology fields. So don't 
assume I believe anything people say without good evidence to back it 
up. However, I am open minded (or gullible enough, if you will) to 
admit that I don't know where the next breakthrough is going to come 
from, and am therefore willing to give others the freedom to 
contribute their thoughts and ideas without censure.

> Good Health to All. gb.

Good Health to All is indeed the goal.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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