Brooks: I followed up on your information, bought the book and read it. I
agree that it is shocking indeed!

Is your group open to others? If so, I would be interested in discussing it.

Best Regards, and thanks.

Dean Woodward

-----Original Message-----
From:   Brooks Bradley []
Sent:   Friday, July 03, 1998 2:53 AM
Subject:        Re: Testing CS/grapefruit seed extract

 Your reference to "brain fog" prompts me to offer the following
suggestion.   Our research group has been doing some investigational
inspections of existing literature/research results relating to
Excitotoxins----and their effect on the human brain.  Among our sources we
discovered the work of Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.  Our entire staff was
thunder-struck by the evidence Dr. Blaylock revealed.  I encourage all
members of this list to avail themselves  of a general review of his work.
This gentleman is a "world-class"  neurosurgeon/pathologist who
communicates quite understandably to the lay-person.  For a revealing,
shocking revelation of one of the most tragic....and pressing problems
faced by the U.S. public I highly recommend you access a fascinating recent
public interview between Dr. Blaylock and radio host Jeff Rense.  This
interview may be accessed by contacting line/archive.stm    then click on
the July 2  program.  I believe this to be "cutting-edge" information.  Our
research group is a non-profit, privately-funded group with absolutely NO
connection to Dr. Blaylock or his staff.  Brooks Bradley.
                                  At 08:43 AM 7/1/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Nancy and others have addressed the "brain fog" problem which
>a lot of folks seem to be experiencing-- maybe it's historically
>been a problem, just not talked about <?>  I recently took
>an I.Q. test in which I tested as a dolt for the first time
>in my life.  I followed Bob Beck's advice to get off garlic/
>onion/scallion/leek, and started drinking a cup of coffee a
>day.  What I call "chatter" in my brain ceased.
>Wil Cavanaugh
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