Douglas McMurtrie

I have been slow to pledge any money because I didn't see the groups
effort as proceeding in a logical manner. Before an MCT can be
performed we must decide what we are going to test with and what we are
going to test it on.

Recent postings have indicated a willingness on the part of some to
alter priorities and sort out the question of which CS will be used. I
personally like the idea of testing several different samples of CS. So
far it has been suggested the CS be tested for concentration and
particle size but no one has suggested testing for purity.

Everyone seems to assume the CS will contain only water and metallic/
ionic silver. What if there is something else present? Shouldn't we
know what it is and how much of it is present?

I'm not qualified to recommend a sound testing methodology. Perhaps
someone else on this list can help. It shouldn't be too complex but I
imagine it will require sufficient knowledge and experience to suggest
we must first decide "this". Then we can test "that". Then further
testing of "whatever" can be done. It may be we will need to find
someone to help establish the procedures we should follow. It might be
possible that, for an additional fee, a testing lab could assist with

Others have expressed concern that jumping too quickly with a poorly
thought out plan might wind up as wasted time and money
requiring us to start all over again and do it right the second time.

Assuming we can get it right the first time I believe this effort is
going to cost a lot more than $400.

For the time being put me down for a $20.00 pledge to this CS
investigation fund.


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