To All Who Contribute To This List,

My heartfelt thanx as I have been priviledged to learn so much...

I have been reading this list now for a few months and not being known
as the strong silent type, I wonder why I have sat silent for so long. 
Pehaps it is because I know that I am not eloquent with words and have
NEVER corresponded with but a few on this crazy thing called a computer;
a thing that has added more gray hairs to this aging body than any kid I
ever raised.

I almost quit this list as I watched the many Dr. bashing letters come
through and so decided rather than cut my nose to spite my face, as I
love the general info that I get, I should just add my input.  

I am a nuse and I could add much to the horror stories that have been
printed.  I am/was a wife who spent years allowing her husband to make
and live with his choices after he was diagnosed with cancer.  His
choices cost him his life and we buried him almost two years ago.  I
then watched my sister make the same choices at the same price.  I
currently practice in the field of geriatrics specializing in Alzheimers
and other dementias and if you feel the general field of medicine is a
nightmare you ought to see what happens in that area of medicine....but
families choose to turn the care of their loved ones over to the Dr. who
supposedly knows it all.

On the other side of the coin, we have a small alternative medical
clinic in town.  Within the clinic are 2 MD's who practice with many
other health prationers, and utilize both fields of knowledge.  Amongst
their peers, they are respected but tho't of as a bit weird...but they
perservere and though their numbers are small, they do make a
difference.  They educate and inform and encourage their "patrons" to
participate in their health care.

And so in this little town in which I am lucky to reside I sit and make
a few observations.  The general public  holds mluch of the
responsibility for what goes on in the field of medicine.  As with
almost every avenue of life, they turn the responsibility of their
health over to another....It is seen repeatedly in schools, politics,
religion and the rearing of children to mention only  a few aspects.  As
long as people continue to do this, the price will always be high in
that we give our power away.  For those who have had "sour" experiences,
perhaps it was the lesson you needed to reclaim your power...and it
sounds as tho' some of you are doing a great job of it.  If this be
true, then the experience should become one of thanksgiving not of
bashing. Not all lessons are learned without discomfort.

When I was diagnosed with MS almost 30 years ago and told that I would
have to learn to live with the fact that MS was incurrable, I, after
many months and much bantering with the Dr., finally got angry and
decided that NO ONE would ever tell me what I HAD to accept.  I searched
and researched for answers, trying this and that...but I have no trace
of MS and I have lived a long rich life...full of learning which
continues to this day and I am so grateful for the Dr. who sparked that
fight in me.  I have not always been able to pass that fight on to
others but then I am not responsible for their choices.  I assist where
I can and am so happy for the few lives I have been able to touch.

I really did not mean to write a book, only to pass on that maybe our
energy can serve ua better by joining forces and exchanging
information.  I do so appreciate the knowledge that you guys share and I
have little to offer in the electrical area of expertise that is needed
but please accept my contribution of $50 to "the fund".  I will await
the info as to where to send it and thanx to you all for your time and

I truly believe in the power of one...Sandi

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