Dear Nancy, Hi, gal!
 Look at this letter! I sent her the FAQ and told her to join the list and
talk to you. Cool, huh??
Her email is
Love, Marsha

Marsha- would love the info you have on C. silver!
I am a pediatric BSN (registered nurse)
I bought colloidal silver a few yrs ago for his often red/conjuctival
It was too much of a struggle to use it on him (3 yo then)so I started using
the drops in my own eyes- it works nicely. End up using it ~1x a month...
We all have Lyme in our household- Figured out that I had it when I read
it for my husband.  He had the bull's eye ( a lucky man) four years ago, was
treated with 3 weeks doxy orally--- lousy ever since---we are all recently
seeing LYME specialists
I am sure I originally gave it to Sam (now 5yo) but he has had 7 tick bites
all together
(over 3 yrs...)  Bella hasn't had any tick bites, and for that matter hadn't
had a mosquito bite either...

Really irks me that women are screened for syphilis so many times- but not
even a thought given to one test for Lyme- even with a hx of 4 tick bites...

Have heard some "toxicity" problems with C silver - so we are using abx
mainly- but I do take St J wort, have a bottle of Kava now...Got my mom off
Premarin and onto Promensil.>>>
Would love your info...
Thanks for writing.
Ginny in CT

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