Bill, Bob,

 I have a hunch that the low pH is caused by electrolysis.  The high
 voltage is breaking the water into hydrogen and oxygen.  Then the
 dissolved hydrogen causes the pH to fall.  With an acid pH, the
 silver rods are rapidly dissolving, accounting for the high TDS. 

 Sounds like the HVAC method may have some flaws, and the results
 may not be what you want....  Further research needed before
 using the product on people ???  

 --Bill K.

 At 03:14 PM 6-23-98 -0500, Bob Lee wrote:
 > Hi Bill and list,
 > This is very interesting. You have indicated that everything is
 > OK using DC, normal ppm and pH. Then you say its abnormal using
 > AC (HVAC), with hi ppm and pH close to vinegar. I can understand
 > the hi ppm, caused by large particles of silver (larger than
 > 100mu, milli-microns) ...
 > <snip>
 > About the pH however , its not very clear what the cause could
 > be. Something is there that should not be there, a contaminate
 > of some kind.
 > Pure water and pure silver will not give much of a pH change.
 > I find my CS is slightly base (alkaline) at 6.8 pH after making
 > it.

 > wrote:
 >> Bob,
 >> My TDS-1 seems to work fine with DC CS however when i use my
 >> HVAC CS maker (Motherlode) it seems to read way too high. 
 >> Making the HVAC CS according to specs I should only be reading
 >> 8-10 ppm but I am reading 63 - 68 PPM, also the ph goes from
 >> 7 when I start to 3.5 at the end. With DC I end up reading
 >> 8 - 12 PPM and there is no change in the ph, it stays at 7.
 >> Any ideas?
 >> thanks,
 >> Bill

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