To Doug,

   The thing is, Doug, most of us on this list are  "in the soup". We're
taking CS because we have a problemm and we want and need to get well. Our
interest is not academic. It's like an oppressed group of people, who can
make fun and laugh at themselves, but the "outsider" needs to tread more

   If your interest and desire to learn is sincere, and sincerely grounded
in wanting to know the truth and to assist others, you are most welcome here.


At 09:51 AM 5/27/99 EDT, you wrote:
>Nice apology.
>Thanks, Taylor
>(I thought you were just trading funnies.  One chain pull always deserves 
><< It looks like I owe this list an apology. Being a newbie, I did the
> cardinal sin of posting before reading the list for a couple of days.
> The humor on this list threw me. Two people posted responses to my
> post that seemed genuine. Then everyone poked fun at those two posts.
> So I thought I was the brunt of all those jokes. Then I starting
> replying to all your posts in a sarcastic way. That was wrong. I
> apologize.
> Doug Stewart >>
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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour <>