(from V.)> Someone on the list mentioned they (their wife?) was using a carb 

(from Marshall) Yes my previously diabetic wife takes them.
She got her lab results back from the Doctor about a week ago, and her blood 
sugar was normal, and tested as being normal for the last 3 months, without 
taking any of the prescription diabetic pills.
I also take them if the meal has a lot of  starch in it, like a pizza, 
potatoes, or bread to avoid gaining weight.
****That answers another question I had...my daughter wants to try them 
also..she does not have a weight problem or hyperinsulinism...but she finds she 
eating an awful lot of carbs lately...comfort food  because of stress.
I will tell her its o.k. to try the capsulesl then.  thanks
(V)> It was suggested that I use it by my primary care doctor.
> She feels that because I have hyperinsulinism problems...a carb 
> blocker would help me with my weight loss .
> She wanted to write a prescription but instead I purchased a natural 
> product.
> The brand is Natrol...and it seems that it is made up of a white bean 
> substance.
> How bad could that be?
(Marshall) It is natural. What it does it inactivate the enzyme the body 
to break down starches into simple sugars for absorption. 
Since it only affects starches, the nutrients in the food are unaffected.
I had posted a link a couple of weeks ago on comparison between the 
different brands.
****Yes...I did have a bunch of choices...must have been from the link you 
sent..but I also choose Phase ll...used my pendulum to decide.
Thanks for the info...wish me luck:)   V

(Marshall)   We use Phase II, although it only rated about #5 or so 
on the list because it is readily available in a number of brands locally.


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