Not CS related... but I think someone was asking about Rosacea the other
day.....I stumbled on this tonight ?????


Pau d'arco works wonders on Rosacea!  My mother suffers from Rosacea on
her cheeks and nose and instead of using the strong antibiotic cream the
doctor gave her I had her spray her face with a fine mist of Pau d'arco
(same strength we drink) and then use Derma Med's Rosaderm cream.  You
wouldn't believe the results!  Mom is just thrilled as there is
absolutely NO sign of the Rosacea after only a week of using the Pau
d'arco - truly amazing.  The strong antibiotic cream the doctor
prescribed didn't work nearly as well and can, we understand, lead to
antibiotic resistant Rosacea and a worsening of the condition.

For another great use, I usually have a severe reaction to Black fly
bites.  I got 2 bites last week and splashed them several times a day
with some Pau d'arco tea.  Not only did it take the itch away - and keep
it away - but the swelling was minimal and they healed much faster than
normal!  I'm sure it will work as well on mosquito bites, etc.

Finally, we decided to try the Pau d'arco leftover fines for our veggie
garden transplants and it is doing a great job.  We don't have any mold
or fungus and the transplants are growing beautifully. "

<end snip>

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