joe bloggs wrote:

I've been reading the debate between Janet and Terri?.

Janet, you seem so knowledgeable, yet so blase and I would add, naive, about what's happening to our food supply and that of our pets. I know that I am swayed by the 'raw' argument, rather than the kibble one.

Naive? Nope, I have been studying raw for 35 years. And I have been posting about the at risk nature of food supplies for sometime now. Guess you missed those posts?

I would say I am realistic, about what is achievable for me and many others. I know raw feeders who buy some pretty rank raw food items that are possibly quite contaminated by the same commercial processors. Again, perfection does not exist. I accept this and find my way from there.

As for 'organics'. You say that this is a victory for consumerism power. I say that you have a naivety that is either borne of ignorance, or ..... what?. Did you know that producers and manufacturers can now use the word 'organic' when their produce is nothing of the kind? It's the BIG BUSINESS swallowing up the small independent, self sufficient, self employed. BIG BUSINESS is killing the real stuff, and labelling is now a sham.

The term organic encompasses more than "USDA certified organic". Please review my message and you will find that I encourage people to buy locally from someone they can come to know as growing quality food. Does not need to be organic. Since the USDA imposed their standards many of our local farmer simply went to "non spray" as the code word and don't bother with the hoops to get the USDA to approve them as "organic".

Labeling has always been a sham. That is a whole other can of worms but you can rest assured I am very aware of this and many more issues.

We should all be aware that BIG BUSINESS is rich and powerful and hungry and nasty enough to gobble up any and every genuine small business and then use the reputation of the original, while downgrading the product.

Government has given the 'go ahead' for BIG BUSINESS to do this. And they want us ordinary people to be mislead by their devious labelling of 'organics' and they want us to be naive enough to think that this is a step in the right direction.

Shop local, buy local, and if you can, stick to the little business. Don't give BIG BUSINESS a slap on the back by telling it that it is 'getting it right'. BIG BUSINESS does not have our interests at heart.

YES! Buy local, get to know your food producers. They can get food to you even when big business will not be able to. At least I can walk to my local farmers market if I have to.



From: Garnet <>
Organics is the fastest growing industry and a hot investment
area. I see so many more products in the grocery than even two years
ago, it is encouraging. I have to credit consumers for demanding higher
food quality and safety. We have won some battles but the war is not over.


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