I have been doing this since it was mentioned here,  about 3 times per
week--sprinting, then walking, rather than all walking or slow jogging.  I
have been very pleased.  I feel stronger and I think it may have revved up
my metabolism, because when I don't overeat, I lose a pound or two; and
when I do overeat, I don't gain so easily like I normally would.  Plus I
love the fact that I can get it over with so much faster!  Lisa

> [Original Message]
> From: M. G. Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>
> To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Date: 5/10/2007 5:20:21 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>PACE questions
> Shelli writes:
> > I recently asked if anyone with info about the PACE program that was
> > recently discussed on the list could let me know if the ebook has you
> > decide your exertion levels (should be intensity levels) and number
> > them 1-10 as the book 
> Dear Shelli,
> The e-book keeps things pretty simple. All he suggests is that you 
> exercise up to a level that you can tell is slightly beyond your 
> ability to sustain for a long period. If, after an exertion interval 
> you are breathing heavily or panting, even a little bit, you've 
> exceeded your aerobic intensity level and have created an oxygen debt 
> that you must fill during the recovery period. That's all he requires.
> The intensity level is entirely subjective and based on your present 
> fitness level. You learn to pace yourself to complete a one, two, or 
> three minute exertion period, with shorter exertion intervals being 
> more vigorous than longer ones.
> I suspect that he has simplified the PACE concept based on experience 
> gained after the publication of the earlier book. The e-book is very 
> clear and approachable.
> I hope that helps. I've been doing approximately every other day 
> workouts to ease into the program, and am now ready to try doing them 
> almost daily and see how I do. No big dramatic results yet, but I 
> wouldn't expect anything after just a couple of weeks. I, too, find the 
> short workouts very comfortable.
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
> [Speaking only for myself...               ]
> --
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