Dee said:

You have to be joking! Certainly not here in the UK would they come out at
night!  You have to be literally dying for them to do that, and then they
only send out a locum who usually knows diddly squat (one diagnosed me with
gastric enteritis when it was actually almost a ruptured gall bladder)  my
husband called out an ambulance against his wishes, or I could have been
dead!  Also, even here in the UK the GP's are if not stinking rich, then
very nicely off.  The consultants are stinking rich though, and they don't
do any work.  Many years ago I would have agreed with you, but not since Mr
Greedy reared his ugly head. Dee
Absolutely spot on Dee. Sadly I have lost all faith with our doctors, who are nothing more than drug dispensers for the pharma industry. They don't diagnose or listen or anything, they just write out the 'lastest drug' that's been pushed onto them by the drug salesmen, who spend longer with the doctor than any patient. Shocking state of affairs.

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