  I am so sorry this has happened to your son. But please remember there is 
always HOPE. I just saw an interview with Bob Woodward, the journalist, who was 
involved in a roadside bombing in Iraq. He was hit by schrapnel in the head. 
His injury was so severe that they took off a big chunk of skull bone because 
of the swelling. He was in a coma for some time. They didn't know if he would 
survive or not, but he has, and is almost back to normal. Do not lose hope.

Charles Marcus <> wrote:
  > Does anyone here know of a treatment for brain injuries? My 21 year 
> old son was involved in a terrible accident in the early hours of 
> Saturday morning and has had two operations and is in a coma, on life 
> support. I don't know whether to pray for his death or his life 
> because I don't know the quality of life expected - nobody knows. If 
> anyone has any information, please share it. Thank you.
> Frankie 

DMSO applied liberally to the brain stem and spinal column has been 
known to totally prevent brain damage from trauma, and things like 
strokes - but it must be done ASAP.... HURRY!!!!!!!

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