I make my own tinctures, and the one that works as a muscle relaxer is
Lobelia.  When I get a cramp I take a dropperful by mouth, and put a dropper
ful in my hand and rub it directely on the cramp.  It is gone in
seconds.....and dosen't come back..

On 9/7/07, zeb caffe <jamaki...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Tony, it is possible that lyme symptoms can resolve with CS or antibiotics
> and you can be well > This can be permanant but with other people, the lyme
> can re-emerge. I am not really clear if you ever really get rid of lyme.
> Most people I know seem to go in remission when treated only to have it
> return but I know that this is not the case with everyone.
> ON the subject of leg cramps, I just wanted to share some of the
> conditions that I have noticed will cause leg cramps
> wearing shoes to tight
> When I am in the midst of a bladder or kidney infection or when it is just
> starting
> calcium and magnesium defiency
> strangly enough, if i take either supplement(calcium or magnesium)
> individully without the other for several days, I will get leg cramps. This
> doesnt seem to happen when I take them together.
> These are usually what causes leg cramps for me but some other things that
> can cause them are  detoxing ,lyme disease and also some people get leg
> cramps when taking msm supplements.
> I wouldnt think that the quinine that is in highlands formula would not
>  be harmful as it is a homopathic and very gentle.My grandfataher years
> ago used to get leg cramps in the middle of the nite and his doctor gave him
> quinine  which seemed to do the trick for him
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Day Sutton