Hi Diane,

We are new to the group and cs but have a question I was hoping someone could answer. My husband and I have just recently been introduced to cs and have ordered a generator (silverpuppy) to make our own.

Don't own this one but from everything I've read it is an excellent one...

We also have started with a natural doctor and have started a heavy metal detox. Will this detox effect or contradict benefits of taking cs during this period of detoxing?

That is a big 'depends'... there are many different ways to detox from heavy metals, so it would depend on exactly what the method you are using entails...

But generally, I'd say no, it most likely won't interfere with using CS.

The doctor said it could take months to a year to completely detox if
that is even possible.

Oh, it is possible, if you're willing and able to do what is necessary. As I said, there are many different methods, and some work better than others.

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