It seems it is against a particular company. They are concerned it's not 
sterile. That it may *cause* infection. That's funny.

And here is a report from British Colombia ministry of environment on the 
effect of silver in groundwater. It does not see silver as a threat.

....from the report:below....

This document is one in a series that establishes ambient water quality 
criteria for British Columbia. It includes an overview which is followed by the 
main body of the report. This document sets criteria for silver to protect 
freshwater and marine aquatic life.

Criteria were not set for human, livestock or wildlife drinking water, 
recreational waters, irrigation water or industrial water uses, since, either 
suitable data documenting the effects of silver for these uses were lacking, or 
the criteria would have been about 1000 times higher than the aquatic life 
criteria and therefore redundant.

Silver is most toxic to microscopic organisms or larval forms of aquatic 
animals. There is no evidence that silver is naturally transformed to a 
hazardous biologically-available form (such as mercury into methyl mercury). 
Ionic silver is more toxic to aquatic organisms than silver compounds. 
Thiosulphate-complexed silver breaks down to silver sulphide which is less 
toxic than the silver ion. Silver criteria are summarized in the chapter on 
Recommended Criteria. A more detailed discussion of the criteria is presented 
in the main body of the report.