Do you consider that Ode just might be "stirring the pot"?
In the distant past Ode expressed views that weren't that much different than yours.

Simon Jester wrote:

Big Insurance is co-mingled with Big Pharma, and has a vested interest
in drug profits.

Don't forget all of the charitable organizations (like the American Cancer Society, etc ad nauseum), the Medical Industry, in the form of Hospitals, Schools, etc, and last the Government oversight organizations (FDA, FTC, etc)...

Yes, there are decent individual doctors.

But I stand by my prior statement - If enough of them stood up and filed a lawsuit (RICO), this monstrous house of cards would come crashing down on the heads of these monsters, and many people would go to jail, and many would be put to death (not doctors, corporate criminals and BEURORATS).

Our medical profession excels at treating TRAUMA - there is nowhere I'd rather be than in one of our emergency rooms, if I'm in an accident of some kind. But this type of treatment has absolutely *nothing* to do with treating disease.

My beef is not with individual doctors - even the cowards.

My beef is with people - like Ode - who believe they have some kind of Right to force their medical beliefs and opinions *and* *practices* on me and my family and friends - and anyone else who claims the Right to own their own life and body.

I consider anyone like this my mortal enemy, and will act accordingly should we ever meet and they make their intentions known to me.

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