Thank you Mike.

I really do not want to get into these back and forth one-upmanship things that we can all get into from time to time.. I think I just responded to something, but I will now try to refrain from responding to any more of them. I don't have to respond. In just moving on I will be helping to create the atmosphere you are working toward and which I appreciate.

Faith G

----- Original Message ----- From: "M. G. Devour" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Simon aka Charles is gone...

Faith concludes:
We cause as much pain in the world when we take offense as when we
give it.

Very interesting summation of the idea, Faith.

Dee writes:
        I agree totally with you Mary Ann, civility costs nothing and it
        is surely a positive thing to make people feel good rather than
        the opposite...

Civility costs effort, more or less depending on your personality.

Mary Ann says:
The measure of any group of people in society --
        cyber-society included -- is the level of behavior of the least
        of that society.  If it is required of polite people to become
        thick-skinned and tolerate bad behavior, then everyone loses

Yes, and somewhere between these two legitimate ideals -- perfect
civility and perfect immunity -- is the reality we live in.

Anybody who wants to launch into great dramas every time somebody else
says something that can be stretched enough to be interpreted as
offensive will be just as disruptive as Simon/Charles, as well as fail
to achieve any of their own goals for their participation. We've all
seen these personalities. They usually don't hang around very long.

On the other hand, if you stubbornly persist in injecting unnecessary
little personal jabs at people while ostensibly helping them, you're
going to create a problem, too.

Still, the reason I'm most disappointed in Charles, is that this list
is, in essence, my property, the product of my labor. The atmosphere I
foster, the effort I put into making it a welcoming place and keeping
the discussion on an even keel, is what will make the group attractive
to people and allow them to use it to meet their own needs and
encourage them to help each other.

You don't come in here and expect to be able to dictate standards of
behavior! I'm astonished that an ostensible libertarian would be so
disrespectful of another person's property rights! And be persistently
aggressive, too. Both are antithetical to libertarian philosophy.

So I agree with everyone who says you shouldn't let yourself be
bothered by idiots on the 'net. But that doesn't mean I'm obliged to
let anyone come in here and stealthily corrupt the atmosphere I'm
trying to create with hostile and aggressive behavior.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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