It would definitely help to know the details of the
silver production and quality, but I'd just as much
like to know the medical condition of the individual. 
You know, some kids get all the vacinations and every
other toxin under the sun that kids are exposed to and
DON'T get autism.  Some get autism.  Some die after
their first vaccination (at 6 months old).  I think
some of us are much more predisposed to argeria due to
our constitutions, specifically our silver elimination
mechanisms.  If one's system is overwhelmed with
mercury, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, neuro toxins in
impure foods and beverages, etc.  even properly made
colloidal silver may be too much to handle UNTIL the
body's elimination pathways are supported better.  

I'm thinking about these things since I just got 12
amalgams, 2 root canal, and 3 non-biocompatible crowns
removed in the last few years.  My elimination
pathways are my top priority as I try to detox slowly
enough to sustain the pace without too many problems. 
My colloidal silver has given me grayish fingernail
moons that I wound not have noticed except for looking
for it due to comments on this list. Before colloidal
silver they were pink unless I was cold, then they
were blue.  My silver is top quality EIS as best as I
know.  Made by a CS Pro 5 gallons at a time (around 8
hrs per batch), crystal clear, about 15 uS on a Hanna
PWT.  My distilled water starts out around 1 uS on my
PWT.  An aquarium pump keeps things stirred up during
production.  I'm making sure I get my selenium and E
during the day and several other good minerals and
supplements, so I don't anticipate any worse problem.


--- Marshall Dudley <> wrote:

> Interesting. That is the first I have heard of that.
>  I am aware that if 
> you have subclinical argyria properly made EIS can
> aggrevate it.  But 
> for the seeds to form seems improbable.  Anyway, I
> would love to get 
> more information on this case.  If anyone has any
> additional 
> information, it would be great.  I would like to
> know the current, 
> process, time, AND the brand of distilled water.  It
> is possible the 
> person confused distilled water with purified or
> filtered water or 
> something else.
> Marshall
> His Child wrote:
> > Marshall, I came across this on Jason Eyton's site
> > which reports the "first?" case of Ionic Silver
> > producing Argeria.  After you read it, you'll know
> as
> > much as I do about it.  
> >
> >
> >
> > "Fact: There has yet to be one single case of
> argyria
> > attributed to the use of isolated colloidal
> silver,
> > with a PPM Silver ranging between 5 - 20,
> regardless
> > of the quantity and frequency ingested. Every
> reported
> > case of argyria that we have found was eventually
> > traced back to a silver salt, silver protein, or
> other
> > poorly made, compound-rich product. 
> >
> > Correction: The first case of argyria from
> > electrically isolated silver has been reported and
> > verified. 6 ounces of correctly made electrically
> > isolated silver ( unknown PPM ), ingested daily
> for 3
> > years, caused a pronounced case of argyria,
> primarily
> > visible on the throat area."
> >
> > Best Regards,
> >
> > His
> > --- Marshall Dudley <> wrote:
> >
> >   
> >> ...they 
> >> were all making silver salts, which we all know
> >> causes argyria.  As far 
> >> as I know there has never been one case of
> argyria
> >> from true colloidal 
> >> silver made with distilled water and pure silver.
> >>
> >> Marshall

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