What I have done is to put a few drops on a Q-Tip and dab it around the 
infected area. If the area is abscessed I doubt that you will feel much. The 
oregano oil is pretty strong and powerful. This has worked for me several 
times. You would need to apply it a couple times a day for at least 2 or 3 days 
to make sure all the infection is gone. If you decide to apply it you should 
notice a difference within a relatively short period of time. You only need to 
apply a very small amount. For an adult, I would also be using hydrogen 
peroxide deluted with water for a mouth wash and scrape around the infected 
tooth. in between applying the oregano oil. That helps pull all the nasty stuff 
out. It may take a little longer if this abscess has been festering for a few 
days or longer. This is really something you need to get after right away. This 
is what has worked for me, so I am only offering that experience. I am not a 
doctor or dentist so you have to use your own judgment. Oregano oil can smart 
for a few seconds. It is very strong stuff!
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: gmetrop...@aol.com 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 10:28 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Exceptions

  I tried the aloe too but it was so mucousy and slimy making it difficult to 
continue especially when he feels no pain. I will try a smaller piece. Can 
oregano oil be applied straight to the gum of a child?

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