Paula...what state are you in? I have an awesome alternative doc here in GR 

Paula Perry <> wrote:          There are several alternative 
treatments for non-melanoma type skin cancers. lists several of 
them. A vitamin C solution is discussed by clicking on the link below. It works 
. I have used it myself, but only on a very small spot.  In addition, Lugol's 
Iodine 7% is one substance that has been used effectively. Mark Surcus has 
written about it. I have also heard of a product called Skin Answer. The 
product can be obtained from CompassioNet: 800-510-2010. There is another 
product called BEC-5. I am thinking that these products sound a lot gentler 
than the black salves I read about. If it were me I would be looking for a 
holistic, alternative doctor even if I had to drive a few hours.
  I read the book on Cancer Salves by Ingrid Naiman. There is really quite a 
bit to know in order to use the black salves effectively. It is no small 
matter. The book has numerous recipes. You might want to contact them at  for advice. Sometimes those salves have to be 
applied several times to remove all of the tumor. You really need an expert on 
something that large. When the cancer is getting killed-off it starts looking 
pretty scarey before it dies off and gets healed.

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