I use the tuning forks on the nerves themselves. You don't need to do much. The 
body vibrates itself. You can always thwack the fork on the thigh before 
placing it on either side of the neck on the nerve itself. That might be 
painful for some. It is relaxing to me. As I mentioned, the actual fork you 
need is a C# and G#. But the C and G work as well.

I will also use the forks on the head, the foot or any other place I can trace 
the nerve. It's fun for me. You start and the root and see where the nerve does 
not vibrate. That's the place where the problem is. A good anatomy book helps.
The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari 

----- Original Message ----
From: Gene Wolfe <ge...@ix.netcom.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 10:32:02 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Sciatica

Michael, how do you use the tuning forks? My wife has a set of forks that she 
uses to clear her chakras and we want to try this. Do you touch the back with 
the fork, or just hold it close to the back?


At 02:21 AM 1/29/2008, you wrote:

I like sound advice.
A standard perfect fifth in a tuning fork or other instsrument will relax the 
nerve completely.  The notes are "C" and "G" . The down and up spouts of the 

The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari 

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