Some people theorize that the fall of the Roman Empire was caused by the
phony sweetener lead acetate, used to sweeten wine...


"Ask your  phony doctor!"  -  Wayne Fugitt

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wayne Fugitt [] 
> Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2008 1:22 PM
> To:
> Subject: CS>How Phony can you get ? ( Bogus Sweetners )
>    Non-nutrative sweetner , Is it a phony  ?
>    So you want a phony sweetner?
>    A phony food  and
>    A phony drink ?
>    Then a phony politician and a phony leader and a president  ?
>    Stand by, you may get one of those also.
>    Then a phony dollar and
>     A phony barrel of oil ?   ( or just a phony price )
>    What about an ounce of gold,  or just a phony price ?
>    Likely the ounce of silver is the best buy today.
> Not to mention the phony government policy and immigration policy.
> What is phony and what is real ?  Nothing real it appears.
>     The main idea is relative to phony sweetners.
>     It is obvious that no one knows the real dangers of the 
> phony sweetners, nothing is ever said.
>     And I don't mean the toxic and poison items that are 
> always talked about.
>     Keep throwing phony things at the body and it will 
> respond with Curve Balls to you. It always has and always will.
> There is no need for a phony sweetner, real ones exist, and 
> some are loaded with nutrients and minerals.
> Many of the masses have deteriorated taste buds and a sense of smell.
> This is documented and the numbers are great.
> I tell everyone, "Your sense of smell and sense of taste is 
> killing you".
> Why do you not read about this ?  It is a secret ?  Ask your 
> phony doctor !
> I watch people eat with great interest, observation, and analysis.
> All the things I have mentioned are obvious, they are killing 
> them selves without the help or the doctor or the poison 
> drugs.  Enough poison is in the food to do it. Yes, they use 
> many times the normal of all sweetners.
> If coffee it bitter, I can use 1/16 tsp of sugar and kill the 
> bitter taste 
> and taste the slight sweet taste.   I see some people use 
> multiple TBS of 
> sugar in one cup of coffee.  What a disaster.
> If you have not already destroyed the body communications, 
> and all the senses,  you might have a chance to use real sweetners.
> If you think that a little real sweetner will hurt you, you 
> are already in very bad shape and need to correct some 
> metabolism problems.
> I see people use 20, 50, and 100 times the sweetening 
> normally  required.
> One person sweetened his coffee with some phony crap, got it 
> mixed up and gave it to me.  It was sweet enough to kill a 
> horse, I would not drink the 
> stuff for  $ 100.00.   What little I drink, I drink it black, 
> no cream, no 
> sugar.
> Do some research and find out what the genius body control 
> and communications does when you throw it phony stuff, 
> especially sweetners.
> If you have already destroyed the taste buds, the sense of 
> smell and the body communications are greatly impaired, you 
> are doomed anyway.
> Again, the body gets a bit upset with all the phony stuff, 
> and does in fact respond to the phony sensations.
> Wayne
> ========================

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