Jason...what would be your thoughts on using ultrasonic cool mist humidifier to 
deliver EIS made in a SilverGen Pro with a few drops of DMSO to shelter cats, 
24 hrs a day 7 days a week?  These cats have had repeated URI's.  I've posted 
to the silverpets group, but your post was interesting and a bit different that 
what I have read. thanks Lin
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jason 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 3:16 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>nebulized cs chemtrails

  Hi Frankie:

  Yes, Google is your friend...

  As far as nebulizing CS:  do not use any device that uses heat to produce 
vapor.  The ultrasonic nebulizers are best, the pneumatic nebulizers are second 
best, a humidifer can be used, but produces the "worst" vapor particle sizing.

  Only use the highest quality silver you can produce, even if that means 
brewing a low PPM product ( ~ 3-5 PPM ).  Contrary to some popular belief, 
researching medical scientists have shown that the smallest possible silver 
particles are ***NOT*** retained in lung tissues.

  As long as the particles were 15 nanometers or smaller, the silver rapidly 
enters the bloodstream.  After 7 days, research with rats has shown that only a 
4% burden remained.

  Dissolved silver, including silver salts, did not build up in lung tissue 
either.  However, "agglomerated" particles larger than 15 nanometers were 
definately retained in lung tissue undissolved.

  Best Regards,


    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: joe bloggs 
    To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
    Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 1:56 PM
    Subject: CS>nebulized cs chemtrails

    Hi Jason,
    We get loads of chemtrails in my area, just outside London.  Must say I 
haven't noticed the really toxic effect, but they do
    seem to affect the weather and temperature.  That is scary what happened at 
Honeywell Defense when you
    were there.  I'm intrigued about the nebulized cs and also you mentioned 
computer technology developed
    by Bob Dratch which seemed to stop people getting  sick.  I'll try to 
google it and see what I can find.

    I'll have to get myself a nebulizer.  Never used one and am wondering how 
it works.  I know the nebuliser turns
    liquid to vapour, does anyone know if this is done by boiling it up?  
Wouldn't that just release water vapour,
    leaving the silver behind?  I need a bit more education on the process.
    Thanks for your info Jason.  Cheers.

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