Greetings to all!

I just rejoined this list after an extended hiatus of several years.

Mike D.'s invitation was simply irresistible.

Anyway ... I am interested in systemic action.

I formerly generated HVAC with a generator sold by some guy(s) in N.I.
15,000 kvolt neon transformer ... either 60 milli or micro amps.  Can't
recall which, but the current was sufficient to scare the daylights out of
me a few times (milli vs micro is a major difference ... surely it was 50
micro amps?)
The "manufacturer" entombed the innards of the unit in electrical tar ... an
apparent attempt to protect their proprietary interest.
A lame grade switch eventually gave out ... rendering the unit useless for
much of anything besides a door stop.
Attempts to remedy the switch fell upon deaf ears with the boys of N.I.  ...
even though I nearly lost the life of a close family member who did not
respond well to a silver embargo.

Fortunately, a friend who had purchased 2 different units over the years
with my input, came through for us.  He shipped a "loaner" out ... a high
volume constant current Low Voltage AC unit.  My family member was so ill
that the home health care nurses had refused to continue care unless their
patient was transferred to a hospital.    Fortunately, I was able to restore
their supply of CS ...sent a mixture of CS & Aloe in a sprayer bottle. The
wound care nurse had come out for a last inspection, and to sign off on the
case ... on a Tuesday.  They had last examined their  patient on the
previous Thursday morning.  In that short period of 4 - 5 days, the pressure
sores were all but healed.  The nurse was quite curious about this major
turnaround ... followed up with a query  for information on this treatment.
Hopefully, this Nurse has shared this information with other patients.  I
had purchased a 1 oz. bottle in sprayer at a local health store ... don't
recall the brand ... it was not any of the major labels ... nor have I seen
this brand since.  My friend's unit arrived the day after.

I started generating a huge supply of CS with my friend's high volume unit
(constant current low voltage AC)  back in Nov. 2004.  My first dose was
approximately 3 or 4 oz. of 12ppm (measured with a Hanna PWT ... believe
that was calculated in microsiemens, and then adjusted for PPM ... it's been
quite some time since I've reviewed the math.)  A few hours later, my head
started aching rather fierce.  I finally made the connection of a possible
Herxheimer effect ... one that was confirmed a few days later with another
less robust dosage.
This "herx" effect eventually wore off after using the product regularly
... yet it would return if I did not consume product for several months and
consumed a robust dose.

Yet, I never had  experienced a "herx" with the HVAC product ... even with 6
to 8oz dosages.  I soon lost interest in my door stop.  If anyone can tell
me how to fix it ... or if they are interested in taking it off my hands,
please write!

It is my opinion that the low voltage AC product provides a systemic action
that  the HVAC product simply could not deliver.
Perhaps this was simply the  result of the electrode configuration?  Or is
the HVAC methodology less effective?

The HVAC product worked great on kidney infections ... urinary tract ...
eyes ... and topical ... but never did I noticed any systemic benefit like a
respiratory illness or influenza or even dental infections for that matter.
 The HVAC was somewhat beneficial for sinus comfort ... but it worked much
better when combining it with MSM (methyl-sulfonyl-methane.)  Btw ... anyone
notice how well MSM & CS works when nasal sprayed for snoring?

thanks for following this far!  I'm on the digest mode ... so if you'd like
an immediate and/or personal response, you are always welcome to write
direct.  Please insert an "ALERT" in the subject line if you write direct
... I might miss it otherwise.

best regards,

JD Kalloco

PostRx:  does anyone have a favorite high volume CS generator?