From: "Gayla Roberts" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: CS>Drink Water On An Empty Stomach
> Bunkum! Since I had to quit drinking coffee, I drink
> 2 cups of water in the 
> mornings instead - 18 ounce cups. It has not slowed
> my arthritis or excess 
> fatness. The rest of the diseases mentioned, I don't
> have, so can't speak 
> for them.
> I agree it is a healthy practice, but to cure
> all.....
> Gayla Roberts
> Always Enough Ranch
> Acampo, California
> Hi Gayla,

I 100% agree.  There are so many protocols out there
that claim to cure this and that, but if true, we
would no longer have those illnesses still around.

My thoughts on the water is that it is a good thing
for constipation especially to drink first thing in
the morning.  Kind of like flushing out everything
before putting anything else in the colon, and it
really works.

When combined with salt, I have found the minerals in
the salt along with the water does go a long way with
pain issues.  Probably because some pain is more from
dehydration so drinking a lot of water would help. 
Now will this cure arthritis?  Probably not, but if
one is dehydrated along with having arthritis, then it
should help.


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