They certainly distort or blatantly lie about the facts.  "Once the silver
ions get into the gills of fish, it's a pretty efficient killer"  In fact
I've used silver to treat body fungus on my butterfly koi who have gone on
to spawn and produce healthy fry.  They don't die from it.  If you use a
biological filter you don't want silver in the main pond or tank water as it
will kill off the needed microbes in the filter, but to hospitalize a fish
with a problem in a separate tank with silver works well.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Nenah Sylver []
  Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 6:55 AM
  To: silver-l...@eskimo. Com
  Subject: CS>article on Nanoparticles unfairly and inaccurately singles out

  Scientists Scared as Nanotechnology and Nanoparticles Become Common in
Consumer Products

  Valued for it's antibacterial and odor-fighting properties, nanoparticle
silver is becoming the star attraction in a range of products from socks to
bandages to washing machines. But as silver's benefits propel it to the
forefront of consumer nanomaterials, scientists are recommending a closer
examination of the unforeseen environmental and health consequences of

  "The general public needs to be aware that there are unknown risks
associated with the products they buy containing nanomaterials," researchers
Paul Westerhoff and Troy M. Benn said in a report scheduled for the 235th
national meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

  Westerhoff and Benn report that ordinary laundering can wash off
substantial amounts of the nanosilver particles from socks impregnated with
the material. The Arizona State researchers suggest that the particles,
intended to prevent foot odor, could travel through a wastewater treatment
system and enter natural waterways where they might have unwanted effects on
aquatic organisms living in the water and possibly humans, too.

  "This is the first report of anyone looking at the release of silver from
this type of manufactured clothing product," said the authors.

  Behind those concerns lies a very simple experiment. Benn and Westerhoff
bought six pairs of name brand anti-odor socks impregnated with nanosilver.
They soaked them in a jar of room temperature distilled water, shook the
contents for an hour and tested the water for two types of silver - the
harmful "ionic" form and the less-studied nanoparticle variety.

  "From what we saw, different socks released silver at different rates,
suggesting that there may be a manufacturing process that will keep the
silver in the socks better," said Benn. "Some of the sock materials released
all of the silver in the first few washings, others gradually released it.
Some didn't release any silver." The researchers will present the specific
brands they studied at their ACS presentation.

  If sufficient nanosilver leeches out of these socks and escapes waste
water treatment systems into nearby lakes, rivers and streams, it could
damage aquatic ecosystems, said Benn. Ionic silver, the dissolved form of
the element, does not just attack odor-causing bacteria. It can also hijack
chemical processes essential for life in other microbes and aquatic animals.

  "If you start releasing ionic silver, it is detrimental to all aquatic
biota. Once the silver ions get into the gills of fish, it's a pretty
efficient killer," said Benn. Ionic silver is only toxic to humans at very
high levels. The toxicity of nanoparticle silver, said Westerhoff, has yet
to be determined.

  Westerhoff and Benn did not intend to establish the toxicity of silver.
"The history of silver and silver regulation has been set for decades by the
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency - we're not trying to re-examine or
reinvent that," said Westerhoff.

  They do hope to spark a broader examination of the environmental and
health consequences of nanomaterials, as well as increasing awareness of
nanotechnology's role in everyday consumer goods.

  Silver has been used historically since ancient roman times, though its
nanoparticle form has only recently appeared in consumer products. Beyond
socks, nanosilver appears in certain bandages, athletic wear and cleaning
products. Benn suggested that most consumers are unaware of these

  "I've spoken with a lot of people who don't necessarily know what
nanotechnology is but they are out there buying products with nanoparticles
in them. If the public doesn't know the possible environmental disadvantages
of using these nanomaterials, they cannot make an informed decision on why
or why not to buy a product containing nanomaterials," said Benn.

  To that end, the researchers suggest that improved product labelling could
help. Westerhoff proposes that clothing labels could become like the back of
a food packaging, complete with a list of "ingredients" like nanosilver.

  Westerhoff and Benn expect to expand their leeching experiments to other
consumer products imbued with nanomaterials. They hope to find the moment in
each product's lifecycle when nanomaterials could be released into the
environment, as well as developing better detection methods to characterize
nanoparticles in water and air samples.

  "Our work suggests that consumer groups need to start thinking about these
things," said Benn. "Should there be other standards for these products."