Hi Marshall,

Please review the following article.  It will explain why 650nm coherent laser 
radiation collimated to a beam width of one mm will scatter isotropic in the 
presence of large numbers of small particles,

Here is another explaining how this effect is utilized in making particle size 
analyzers work.
Best Regards,
Arnold Beland
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Marshall Dudley" <mdud...@king-cart.com>
To: "Arnold Beland" <abela...@comcast.net>
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: CS>"Tyndall Effect" with no silver particles at all

> Arnold Beland wrote:
>> It is possible to observe the "Tyndall Effect" with no silver 
>> particles at all. Here is a good explanation of this.:
>> http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physic.../blue_sky.html 
>> <http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/General/BlueSky/blue_sky.html>
>> A decent red laser pointer at exactly 650nm and constant power output 
>> regardless of battery condition is far more reliable. They are 
>> available on ebay for as little as $9.00. Stay away from any made in 
>> China.
>> Best Regards,
>> Arnold Beland
>> www.atlasnova.com <http://www.atlasnova.com>
> True for blue, which is why the sky is blue, but not for red, which is 
> too long a wavelength for significant scattering with small to medium 
> sized molecules.  Tyndall effect has nothing to do with silver, it has 
> to do with scattering by particles approximately the size of the 
> wavelength of light being scattered and larger.
> Marshall