Heart Energy, Anything New ?

Most of these things have been around since DAY 1.
Except maybe some of the formulations and blends available today.

Some doctors have reported amazing results using Ribose. Many have lost the ability to make it in adequate amounts.

==========   Ribose and Others mentioned below

Isomaltulose is also in Danao, a beverage mixture of fruit juice and skim milk introduced in Spain by Danone. Japan's Yakult uses isomaltulose in its Bifiene drinkable yogurt and says that it reduces the glycemic effect, as well as serves as a stabilizing and masking agent of the probiotics, soy protein and omega-3 fatty acids also found in the drink.

Ribose is another carbohydrate recognized for energy, but a different type of energy: heart energy. Our heart muscle requires energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy fuel for all the body's cells. Research shows that a healthy heart constantly recycles its ATP, but when diseased, this process slows and the heart does not receive adequate energy to function. Other ATP deficiency states of the heart can occur following periods of extreme activity or metabolic stress.

The heart has devised several mechanisms to preserve ATP recycling; however, its limiting factor is the availability of the carbohydrate ribose, the structural backbone of ATP and the starting point for ATP synthesis.

Unless the heart has an adequate supply of ribose, it simply cannot meet its energy requirements. The body makes ribose but various physical and environmental stresses can reduce efficiency. Ribose ingredient is GRAS for most foods and beverages, as well as dietary supplements, and can be used in energy drinks, including those made from milk.

These are just a few of the many ingredients being promoted for increased alertness and stamina, as well as improved mental and muscle performance. There are many more, some with better clinical data than others when it comes to their claims of fame. Be careful with what you claim, because we are also living in a time of what was old is new again. The term energy might soon become associated with calories, and that could scare customers away.

Ribose, a unique, 5-carbon sugar that occurs naturally in all living cells forms the carbohydrate portion of DNA and RNA, the building blocks of life. Ribose is also the sugar that begins the metabolic process for production of adenosine triphosphate (or ATP). ATP is the major source of energy used by cells including muscle tissue for normal function.

Many sources exist.
