Hi Mary Ellen, 
Below is a url to one of the more informative articles I've seen on Lyme
and protocols for controlling it, as well as discussion on why it is so
debilitating and difficult to cure.  As part of the protocols Colloidal
Silver gets high marks, in conjunction with other adjuvant therapies.  I
have a friend who has Lyme, and it is truly devastating.  

Given that, please know that in standard disclaimer fashion I cannot
know the specifics of your situation, and I don't offer advice, just
what I've observed in my limited way; you are on your own here, don't
doubt it for a minute!

My own observation is - first get on a three to six month antibiotic
protocol to get the active phase under control, (my friend got a shot of
amoxicillin and ten days of pills; four months later he was flat on his
back and unable to walk - literally crawled back to the emergency room;)
this may include antibiotic shots to begin with.  You'll probably need
to winnow through several doctors to find one who has some real
knowledge in treating Lyme, it has taken YEARS for the mainstream
medical profession to catch on to treating this disease.  I'd expect a
doc who did would be agreeable to hefty long-term antibiotic treatment. 

"Antibiotic" is a Bad Word in the alternative health field, and with
reason, but there are times and conditions where it is a necessary evil.
The evil can be lessened by picking the right antibiotic - one that your
system can handle - and other helpers like diet, probiotics.
You really need a knowledgeable health care provider to help you through
this project, one who will monitor your health and response to therapy
with lab tests etc.

 Second, don't slack off, it'll come back on you if you do!  Beyond
that, he now (slow learner) uses the CS religiously right on through,
and will foreverafter; don't mean to sound grim, but truly effective
treatment is iffy, and expensive in time and bucks.  The CS helps my
friend keep a rein on it.

I've no idea what the diatomaceous earth is supposed to do, normally it
acts as a mechanical micro-sword, so to speak, to pierce parasites; in
fact is is fed to cows to do just that, kills the larvae (eggs?) of the
Bot fly in their stomachs.  IMHO it would be ineffective in combating
something as small as a spirochete and/or its spores.  Unfortunately the
spirochete is able to form spores, and hide out in joints and connective
tissue so antibiotics alone will not cure the long-term victim. 

Well, more than you ever wanted to know, prob'ly; it's a lousy disease
and a tough one, but it can be controlled and maybe cured over time;
Get help, not quicky 'cures'.  Good luck.  Malcolm.

On Thu, 2008-06-12 at 15:54 -0500, Mary Ellen Murphy wrote:
> I have posed a question.  This is the third time.  Most forums have
> different way to stay on top of questions.  But here goes again.  I have
> Lyme.  I wss referred to this site from Wolf Creek who supplies diatamatious
> earth, and the terminator zappper, and colloidal silver.  Someone there has
> been on this forum and has said that she has worked with people that have
> Lyme and use these products.  Anyone had success.  I a pretty sick and sorry
> for the impatience.  I am desperate.  The Lyme is ruining my life and need a
> good protocol to and wondering if anyone has used these products with Lyme
> with success.  
> Thanks
> Mary Ellen
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> From: oha...@juno.com [mailto:oha...@juno.com] 
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> Subject: Re: CS>How to use site
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> Regards
> Sandee
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