I am forwarding/reposting this to the list for future possible references.  For 
some reason, when I hit reply it only went to Craig.

Also, propolis.

There is a gum from trees in Greece that they suck; it is also being made into 
sweets but I can't for the life of me remember the name right now.  someone 
else might.
Here we are: mastic: 
Mastic Gum Proven to Kill H-Pylori for Relief From Stomach Ulcer ...
      Chios Gum Mastic is the resinous material obtained from the Pistacia 
lentiscus tree which is grown on the island of Chios in Greece. ...

      Also download the free trial Frex frequency program from 
http://heal-me.com.au and run the Hpylori frequencies.  She could run it 
through the headphones by her waist straight onto her stomach area or go in for 
a stronger delivery through appliances available.  discussion group is 

      I worked for Prof Goodwin in the hospital where they did all the work on 
Hpylori in the 80s; I happened at that time to re-read "The Forty Nine Steps" 
(by John Buchan, I think) in which was an American character with a stomach 
ulcer who kept sucking Bismuth tablets.  By the end of the story his ulcer was 
better.  I showed it to the Prof, he was quite tickled that John Buchan had the 
answer all the time!  Bismuth was part of the recipe being trialled, goodness 
knows what has happened to it all in the meantime.  A number of hits are found 
on websearch for "ulcer bismuth". 

      I seem to recall raw cabbage juice being part of a protocol many years 
      Yup, the internet, our university.  Entered "ulcer cabbage juice" and got 
many hits.
      Here is one: 
      All about ulcers and alternative treatments  
            Raw cabbage juice has a remarkable track record in helping people 
with peptic ulcers. One quart daily of fresh cabbage juice, taken in divided 
doses, ...
                  Thirteen patients with peptic ulcer were treated with fresh 
cabbage juice, which, experiments have indicated, contains an antipeptic ulcer 
factor. ...

            Dr. Cheney used cabbage juice to also treat gastric ulcers and 
duodenal ulcers. He clearly was onto something, which he called "Vitamin U" 
(for ulcer) for 
            Cabbage (Brassica oleracea). Raw cabbage juice is a hallowed folk 
remedy for ulcers. It turns out that cabbage and its juice contain considerable 
amounts of
            During the early 1950s, Dr Garnett Cheney found that peptic ulcer 
patients who drank 4 glasses of raw cabbage juice daily quickened the healing 
process and 
            Cabbage juice contains a special anti-ulcerous vitamin U. So, it is 
used warm as a remedy against peptic ulcer and duodenum disease acute 
            Raw cabbage juice has a remarkable track record in helping people 
with peptic ulcers. One quart daily of fresh cabbage juice, taken in divided 
doses, ...
                  Choose cabbage juice: If you down about a quart of cabbage 
juice daily, studies have found, your ulcer will heal more rapidly. Cabbage 
juice is high in ...

      All the best to her

Have a daughter-in-law who has been diagnosed with this and she is in a lot of 
pain.  CS doesn't seem to be making progress and she gets sick from the 

Anyone have suggestions as to other protocols which may be helpful.