This has already been answered here. This site is Frank Key's site. He makes a colloidal silver, not an ionic silver. I assume his stuff works, it all works, but there are some that are better than others, and some that are definitely cheaper than others, and as good.

There are many people waving their arms and insisting they are right and everyone else is wrong. The ionic silver works very well, and there are lab results backing it up, and maybe thousands of people who have become well.

You are finding out that there is some disagreement about whether an ion or a colloidal particle is the best. The short answer is that they all work, but the ionic homemade stuff is perhaps the best, most low cost asnwer available today.


On Jun 19, 2008, at 1:26 PM, Mary Ellen Murphy wrote:

Here is some research I have done on this topic.  Any comments would be helpful

Thanks   Mary Ellen

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