Dear Peter:

It looks like you have been fighting Lyme for quite some time.  If you read
Bryan's book then you know that the Doug Coil Machine is the most powerful
tool out there.  Also you probably read that many protocols and machines
must be combined.  What is not generally stated is that some types of
machines loose their effectiveness and a different machine needs to be

I based my design on Doug MacLean's work with the Doug Coil Machine.  I
worked with Doug for over a year and he would call Carol every few weeks to
monitor her progress.  He was concerned that the capacitor coupling may not
be as powerful as the coil inductive coupling.  I only have data on one test
subject, that is Carol, but it seems like it took 6 months for her to be 90%
recovered and about one year to be 100%.  The only thing we used was the
DougPlus and ionic colloidal silver.  Doug MacLean states that it takes 2 to
3 years to recover from Lyme using the Doug Coil Machine.

I have three machines being tested and the reports I am getting are very
encouraging.  It seems like the DougPlus produces herx reaction where other
machines have ceased to be effective.  One customer has a $6000 PERL machine
that was very effective but no longer does the trick.  He is using
MesoSilver and the DougPlus and calls to tell me that he is feeling good.

If you would like to try the DougPlus, I give a 30 day money back, less
shipping.  You will know whether it works within a few days.

Jim Meissner 

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Converse [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 8:11 AM
To: Jim Meissner yahoo
Subject: Re: CS>H2O2 and Colloidal Silver, Nebulizers, Gatorade, DMSO

Hi Jim, Kathryn, Marshall, Dee and anyone else who has chimed in with help 
regarding Lyme Disease. I appreciate it very much!

I have purchased a GB4000 Rife machine, have a coil-type Rife machine on 
order, have been doing the Salt/C protocol for 16 months, tried Meso Silver 
for a couple months and have just invested in a Silver Puppy as well.

Marshall has suggested ozonated water and magnetic pulsing--thanks for those

tips Marshall. Can anyone suggest a good but inexpensive way to make the 
ozonated water?

I am looking into mag pulsing also with Robb Allen's High Power Magnetic 
Pulser, as recommended by Bryan Rosner from    and also 
looking at MMS.

Jim, maybe we could talk some more about your Dougplus...looks interesting.

Blessings to you all,

Peter Converse

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Meissner yahoo" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 4:51 AM
Subject: RE: CS>H2O2 and Colloidal Silver, Nebulizers, Gatorade, DMSO

Dear Peter:

Kathryn has done an excellent job of answering your questions.

I will add my two cents.  I do not have Lyme, but a friend of mine had it
and I helped develop a system that got rid of it.  Please take a look at
So far as I know, normal ionic colloidal silver by itself will not be useful
in dealing with the Lyme spirochetes.  Once you kill the spirochetes and
have serious herx reactions then colloidal silver will be of great benefit.
My friend Carol consumed as much as 32 ounces a day to help to deal with
secondary infections and the fever and chills caused by the dead

There is another product called MesoSilver made by Frank Key that is mostly
extremely small particles and very little ionic and there is some
information that this type of colloidal silver may be effective for Lyme.

There is a yahoo group that you might want to visit that deals mostly with

Jim Meissner

-----Original Message-----
From: Clayton Family []
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: CS>H2O2 and Colloidal Silver, Nebulizers, Gatorade, DMSO

Hi Peter,

Welcome to the group. I am not official in any way, so this is an
unofficial welcoming message.  ;-)

You have so many questions, I am not sure anyone has the answers for
many of them. I don't think I have lyme, but did have one positive
test, they said false positive, but who knows if that means anything,
and if so, what.  It sounds like you have been doing your homework.  I
guess I can tell you what I have read, but I have not nebulized myself.

On Jun 22, 2008, at 1:35 PM, Peter Converse wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am pretty new to the group. I am dealing with Lyme Disease and
> looking for ways to improve delivery of CS into the deeper areas of
> the body where Lyme spirochetes and cysts hide out. I have seen
> mention of Gatorade, DMSO and H2O2 being used to improve penetration
> and have seen that nebulizers have been used to get CS into the
> bloodstream via the lungs. I would appreciate it if anyone could offer
> research suggestions about these methods as well as using cayenne
> pepper.
> Are nebulizers best for bronchial and lung issues only or can they
> used to improve delivery to all body sites?

bronchial and lungs, probably, but your mileage may vary.

> Can one safely nebulize a mixture of H2O2 and CS, and if so, what
> would be the best ratio for this?

I definitely would not do that, but if you feel like it, it's your
body. I have only seen reference to people here using H2O2 in small
amounts to break up any slightly larger particles that might have
formed, so there is more uniformity and tininess (is that even a

> If DMSO were to be added to this protocol how would this look on
> paper?

I have seen recipes for adding DMSO to ionic silver water for eyedrops
or other specific applications to carry the silver deeper into the
tissues. I do not recall the amount used, but it was small.

> Also, what about using the CS in enemas or in colonic implants as a
> means of delivery improvement?

That might make sense for killing things residing in the colon.

> Do these methods really excede sublingual doses in effectiveness?

LOL  ???  who knows?

> Do any of these methods approach the delivery capability and
> effectiveness of IVs?

I have not heard anyone talking about using cs as an IV fluid,
recently. It may have been discussed, but I do not remember it.

> If nebulizing, is an oxygen-nebulizer really the best and safest way
> to go or can a cheaper nebulizer perform well enough without using
> tanks of O2?

Most seem to use a nebulizer without O2, or even a spray bottle. I have
sprayed it into a plastic bag and inhaled it, and that worked. After I
tried that, I bought a cold mist humidifier to use, but have not a
reason yet, so I have not tried it.

> Rather than using Gatorade could an electrolye product like
> Concentrace or BioPure Matrix Electrolye be used to enhance delivery?

I guess you could use whatever you want. The Gatorade has a balance of
sodium and potassium, also a little sugar (now corn syrup, which I will
not drink). There are other equivalent electrolyte replacement formulas
on the market, or you could make your own using salt and NuSalt, which
is potassium.

> I am hopefull that someone can help me out here and point my research
> in the right direction.  Thanks,   Blessings,
> Peter

you are welcome, I am not sure I was any help, but there you are. Take
care, and good luck with the lyme.


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