-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Meissner yahoo [mailto:jpmeiss...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2008 2:30 PM
To: 'silver-list@eskimo.com'
Subject: RE: CS>The DougPlus Machine

Dear Peter:

>> Jim, can you describe to me or show me in pictures what the inside of the
wooden enclosures of your DougPlus Machine looks like.

The wooden structure on each side of Carol contains a piece of metal to act
as a capacitor plate to couple the Doug MacLean derived Lyme frequencies
into and through the body.  In the original units this was aluminum window
screen and now is a ¼ inch hardware cloth, sandwiched between layers of
Styrofoam.  The size of the “plate” is about 2 by 3 feet.  The purpose of
the Styrofoam and wood structure is to provide insulation from the extremely
high voltage that can be present on the plates.  The voltages can be as high
as 10,000 volts and it is important to prevent someone from touching the
plates.  The wooden structure also contains a 100 to 1 step up transformer
that can be driven by a low voltage audio amplifier.  All dangerous high
voltages are safely contained within the wooden box.

>>  What do the capacitor plates look like and how do they differ from using
a coil, in terms of their effects? 

This is a picture of the typical home made Doug Coil Machine.  The DougPlus
is very much simpler to use.


Hopefully the plates will be just as effective as or more effective than the
coil.  We only have data on a few people, but so far it looks good.  One
person has reported that his Doug Coil Machine no longer gives him a herx
reaction but the DougPlus is having some positive effects.  Another person
has a PERL that has stopped being effective but the DougPlus is providing
good results.

>> I am interested in knowing more about the random frequency generator.

The random frequency generator is a digital shift register that creates a
random output frequency.  This type of a device is used to test speaker
systems and room acoustics.  In that application it is referred to as a
“pink noise generator” as compared to a “white noise generator” which has a
constant output power over the frequency range.  Take a look at the link and
some of the description there.


This device generates ALL frequencies at a random rate.  Look at the
spectrum analyzer display.

>> How does this freq. generator accomplish the job without pausing for a
time or sweeping?

We experimented with sweeping and found it to be too complicated for the
user as compared to the random frequency generator.  It requires a high
level of “know how” to set up the sweep parameters.  You must pick the start
and end frequencies, sweep speed or frequency steps and dwell time.  If you
sweep too wide a frequency there may not be enough dwell time at the
critical frequencies to have an effect on the Lyme spirochetes.  Also if you
sweep too fast, you have the same problem.  For those who have this “know
how” there is an optional input for external generators.

>>  How can one be sure that they are hitting the right frequencies for Lyme
or co-infections for a long enough period of time to be effective?

>>  Also, how do you know what you are going after...ie Borrelia....or
Bartonella...or Babesia....or Erlichia...etc?

>>  Don't you need to control your program to avoid hitting the MORs (mortal
oscillatory rates) of all pathogens within the generator's freq. range in
any given session?

>>  I can't imagine how this freq. generator would work selectively or avoid
giving someone a massive herx if they had several different infections

All of these questions are interesting and I do not have the answers.  I
will answer this indirectly.

I can sit between these plates at full power for over 30 minutes and feel no
effects except possible a boost in energy.  I have done this many times.
Several others have done so also.  This covers several years.  So I would
question the theories proposed by some that there are MORs and the danger of
hitting the wrong frequencies. 

I feel that there is much misinformation on the subject of rife.  Royal Rife
did some fabulous work, but all of that is lost without his special
microscope.  There are many vendors selling rife machines and most are well
meaning, but I wonder about their claims for these frequencies.

The DougPlus covers the Rife-Crane frequencies of 100 to 2500 Hz and the
Consolidated Frequency list covers hundreds of diseases that are reportedly
cured by these frequencies.  Theoretically if these frequencies are valid,
then the DougPlus may have some additional uses.

>>  Am I right in assuming that you would start with a very short-duration
session time, treating all pathogens that a person has (knowingly or
unknowingly) in that session 

>>  and gradually ramp up the session times as the person can tolerate more?
Please fill me in?

As indicated above, someone who is healthy and does not have Lyme will
experience little or no effects.  On the other hand, Carol would have
serious reactions in just seconds even at the low power setting.  As you
have guessed, the trick is to have very short duration session and slowly
work up to longer sessions depending on the severity of the Herx reactions.
I am told that the Doug Coil Machine is very powerful and usually puts the
user in bed for two or three weeks.  Carol could not afford to miss work, so
she timed the session in such a way so she would be able to go to work the
next day.  Sometimes she would treat every other day.  

>> You mention also a much faster recovery time for your research subject
compared to the Standard Doug Coil. Can you speculate why this would have

My “guess” is that the Doug Coil Machine is too powerful and not only kills
the spirochets, but also has a negative effect on the body and the immune
system.  Some of the 2 or 3 weeks in bed is spent recovering from the abuse
on the body.  You cannot kill the spirochetes deader than dead, so twice as
much power does not kill them twice as dead.  If you treat every day with
the DougPlus, and every 14 days with the Doug Coil Machine, it might take 14
times longer.  Again, this is just my guess.

>> You mention in your site about testing for perceptible effects above
2,500 Hz. How was this done?

This was not a real scientific test.  I depended on Carol and her very high
sensitivity.  I used a manual signal generator to drive the plates at
various frequencies and relied on Carol to report “some” sensation.  I have
a recording of that test where I recorded into a tape recorder calling out
each frequency and Carol making her comments and observations.  Some of the
frequencies corresponded with the Doug MacLean research and there were
several others.  I had already decided to go with the random frequency
generator instead of trying to guess what the magic frequencies were, so
very little time was spent on this quest.

>>  What kind of effect would you expect if someone used a GB4000 frequency
generator in lieu of the random generator? Could this be done easliy enough
if desired?

I have heard good things about the GB4000, but this would be mixing apples
and oranges and would not be compatible.  

I need to give Doug MacLean a lot of credit for his wonderful research.  He
is the only one in recent times that has done real scientific work testing
frequencies while looking at spirochetes with a dark field microscope.  He
described to me what happened to the spirochetes when exposed to the
specific frequencies.  He did not report MOR or things exploding or the
organism being destroyed such as you would hear about discussing the rife
devices.  He reported that the spirochetes just started vibrating and
spinning faster and seemingly damaging themselves.  Only 25% were affected
on a given slide.  My theory is that somehow these frequencies were
interfering with the nervous system signals and motor controls of the
spirochetes and making them over exert and damage their motor system.
During our research we discovered that the spirochetes are also affected by
audio acoustic energy, that is sound pressure waves.  Playing the random
frequencies over speakers seems to drive them crazy.  When you put a speaker
directly on a heavily infected spot they seem to scatter to get a way from
the sound. Just sound does not seem to be able to kill them but when
combined with the plates, seems to increase the effectiveness by about 40%.
Sound may be useful in driving the spirochetes out of hiding places so that
the frequencies can disable them.

Peter, I hope I have answered some of your questions.  Fell free to ask

Jim Meissner   www.MeissnerResearch.com 

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