Dear Wayne:


>> As I have said, no ppm meter exists in the world today.  Just because
many people use the EC meter and call the results ppm metes does not  a ppm
meter exist.


Actually there are at least two scientific instruments that directly measure
silver concentration.  One is a probe similar to a pH probe that
specifically measures silver concentration.  The other is a photo
spectrometer.  Neither one is cheap.   I have been to Frank Key's lab
several times and the device he uses burns the silver sample in a plasma
then measures the frequency spectrum emitted and the magnatude in relation
to a certified standard.


It just so happens that the collidal silver made by my generator shows that
uS is a 1 to 1 realation to PPM using the Hanna PWT tester.  Other EC meters
probably will be different.  See the test report at .


Jim Meissner 


From: Wayne Fugitt [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008 4:37 PM
Subject: CS>CS ppm ( EC and ppm


At 12:33 PM 7/3/2008, you wrote:

What does this mean Ode?  What exactly is uS and why doesn't the amount of
silver in the water change?  Many thanks.  Dee 


You should know that before you start talking ppm.

Where could the silver go ?  How could it get out ?
Just like Ode said.

The MicroSiemens can change it appears.  Not all salts are conductive, not
equally anyway.
That is only one reason why microseimens is not ppm.   

Conductivity is a measurement of the ability of a solution to conduct an
electric current. An instrument measures conductivity by placing two plates
of conductive material with know area and distance apart in a sample.  Then
a voltage potential is applied and the resulting current is measured.   

For many years the unit of conductivity was the mho, the mili mho, and the
micro mho.

Mho is a goofy word, the unit of resistance, ( ohm ) spelled backwards.
How about that ?

Don't worry so much and realize you are guessing and using approximations.
What difference does it make anyway ?

As I have said, no ppm meter exists in the world today.  Just because many
people use the EC meter and call the results ppm metes does not  a ppm meter

You don't believe me ?

The instrument industry makes it crystal clear.  They are even trying to
combine and make one unit,
EC and ppm.  

While they may do it, rest assured the knowledgeable people will never
accept it, not in
100 years.

Some very expensive meters will measure only one kind or salt, not two or
They can come close to ppm, ......... maybe.

But I only trust calculated ppm as being very close, as close as one can get
by normal means.

