
This is interesting!

> Thought every one would like to read this before I go. Remember what
>I said about asthma!!! MS, parkensons, CFS, ALS, Eplipsy, Alzhimers, ADD
>and about every disease that they say has an UNKNOWN cause had an 
>underlying bacteria or virus.

What's more, it's been proven that ulcers are CAUSED by the same
bacteria in humans as it is in pigs...heliobacter pylorii. It was also
shown that the bacteria thrived in the gut because of a mineral
deficiency.....BISMUTH. The AMA has declared recently that ulcers can
be cured with bismuth supplements and this process sped up when
combined with anti-biotics. Now, I'm wondering what else is missing
from our mineral arsenal that may be allowing all these bacteria and
viruses to thrive in our bodies. Would it not make sense to take a
full-spectrum mineral supplement and let your body, in its own wisdom
select what it needs to defend itself?


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