----- Original Message ----- 
From: mary patten RN 
To: cherokee 
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2008 3:34 PM 
Avian Flu Has Already Been Weaponized 
I'll give you the bottom line first: based on Gen. Stubblebine's careful 
analysis of the existing evidence, Avian Flu has already been turned into a 
pandemic virus with a lot of sophisticated help from people who are not your 
friends, but who are very good at weaponizing organisms, like the previously 
innocuous bird flu virus, H5N1. 
There is a basic virological fact you need to know to make sense of what comes 
next: it is impossible to make a vaccine against a virus that does not yet 
exist.  Public relations efforts to the contrary, IF a vaccine is being made 
against the Avian Flu virus in its pandemic form, that means that the pandemic 
virus already exists.  Period.  End of discussion.  So that fact that the Avian 
Flu vaccine is already being manufactured in China by Sanofi-Pasteur, a 
wholly-owned subsidiary of the French arm of the Rockefeller oil cartel (Total 
Petroleum) is confirmation of what you are about to read.   If you allow it to 
be introduced into your body, there is no reason to imagine it will be anything 
but an unmitigated disaster for your immune system and for you.  We believe 
planned to be that way. 
I do not know A. True Ott, PhD, but he was kind enough to send me a PDF file 
recently in which he puts a lot of the pieces together that I have been finding 
in my own research.  Some of his conclusions I have serious difficulty with, 
parts of his chronology are used here with appreciation. 
Let's start with the basics: H5N1 is a benign, commonplace virus which most 
birds carry with no harm to themselves or humans.  Humans also have viruses we 
have no problem with: these viral companions keep our immune systems healthy 
humming.  Only under the stimulus of novel and dangerous toxins which your body 
has no way to get rid of (detoxify), and stress which overwhelms your coping 
capacity, does an innocuous virus mutate and become something that can make you 
sick or kill you. 
All human cases of H5N1 have occurred in areas of sick birds in large 
concentrations such as factory farms where handlers come into contact with 
stressed and sick birds in toxic surroundings where toxic residues are 
concentrated at high levels. 
For example, in Vietnam, where thousands of gallons of Monsanto chemicals such 
as Agent Orange were  dumped in huge amounts following the Vietnam war 
of Avian Flu are not uncommon. These outbreaks occurred in highly toxic 
environments, where crowded, sick factory farm chickens have been inoculated 
[supposedly] against Avian Flu. 
It will also become deadly, of course, when labs are employed to alter it so 
that it becomes an efficient weapon of mass destruction.  The US has had a 
program to accomplish exactly that for over a century now, astounding as that 
may seem! 
Our best intelligence estimate is that pandemic Avian Flu already exists.  It 
appears to have been turned into a massive viral threat through bioengineering 
by the United States, fusing the deadly genome of the 1918 Pandemic, mis-named 
the "Spanish Flu", with the DNA of the H5N1 virus in a growth medium of human 
kidney cells to make sure that the virus recognizes human cells and knows how 
invade them. 
Please re-read that paragraph again and consider the threat that poses to you 
and your family. 
The Spanish Pandemic Rides Again 
The genome of the 1918 pandemic so-called "Spanish Flu" was recently 
intentionally resurrected.  Because of that ressurection, the Avian Flu, and 
vaccine, are now a US government-instigated threat to life - your life. 
The Spanish Flu, which was not Spanish at all, was created in the US through an 
early bioweapons program and injected into healthy young men (i.e., 'soliders') 
as the first mandatory vaccination in the military during WWI (also known as 
"War to End Wars" and the "Great War").  The "Spanish Flu", which originated in 
Kansas on US Military bases, killed a minimum of 50 million Americans.  It was 
one of the deadliest pandemics in modern history.  It was also one of the most 
successful biological weapons ever created. 
Time Line To Disaster 
This may be one of the most important chronologies you will ever read: 
April 6, 1917: 
• US declares war on Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, and the Ottoman 
• America swings into full production of War material.  
• American men are drafted into military service and deployed for training in 
"broad-spectrum" live virus influenza vaccination 
• Rockefeller makes millions in vaccine sales while consolidating Standard Oil 
contracts worldwide 
• The first British soldiers committed to World War I are deployed to Iraq to 
protect American oil interests there  
• Following mass vaccine injections, U.S. soldiers are crowded into troop ships 
and sent to "train" in Spain.  Seasick, stressed soldiers aged 18-34 exhibit 
influenza symptoms on the voyage 
• Immediately after arriving in Spain, U.S. soldiers are "trained", that is, 
exposed to, the various forms of gas they will experience in the trenches in 
• Exposure to these highly toxic gasses causes the live-virus influenza  
organisms to mutate into an extremely lethal, and highly communicable, form of 
• Millions of young, healthy men and women aged 18-34 die worldwide as a result 
of vaccinations  combined with novel and highly toxic chemicals 
November 11, 1918 
• Armastice with Germany and its Allies 
• Following the end of "The Great War" - The heads of the various 
banks met in conference at San Remo in 1924 to assess war reparations for 
• John D. Rockefeller and the Rothschilds  have consolidated and vastly 
increased their wealth through actively funding both sides of the war 
March 28, 1924 
• Rockefeller formes a French oil conglomerate  calling  it "Total", the 
Company of Petroleums" aka CFP 
• TOTAL is awarded a controlling interest via Deutsche Bank's stock in the 
Turkish Petroleum Company in Baghdad which was eventually renamed the Iraq 
Petroleum Company 
• The Iraq Petroleum Company was  confiscated and nationalized by Saddam 
in 1990. 
• TOTAL Inc. is a true multi-national mega-corporation which  operates in more 
than 130 countries and has over 110,000 employees. 
Now the Avian Flu - Oil - China - US - WMD connection starts to get 
Here's the Play: Oil to Drugs to Death 
Two of TOTAL's prime, wholly-owned subsidiaries are the pharmaceutical giants 
Sanofi-Aventis, and Sanofi-Pasteur.  Both are world-leaders in the development 
and testing of experimental vaccines, which are manufactured primarily in 
On March 23, 2005, NIH, through the National Institute of Allergy and 
Disease, announces the initiation of a program to develop a vaccine for Avian 
Flu, asserting that although there have only been less than a handfull of 
Avian Flu poses a vast public health menace. 
And it is clearly true that a weaponized virus does present a massive threat to 
public health.  That's the whole point of weaponizing it, isn't it? For a look 
at Sanofi-Pasteur's plans for its profit (and perhaps your death). You can 
confirm their plans here: 

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