George, There is a group for Oleander Soup that would be of benefit. According to the members, it never fails with internal cancers. sign up at or go to the moderator, Tony Isaac's, homepage for more info first.

Dr. Saul Pressman has had success with ozone and if memory serves, the Ozonated Olive Oil he makes will also do the trick.

If you research iodine, I suspect you'll find many testimonies as to how skin cancers flaked off after using iodine on them continuously (until the flaking).

CS with DMSO might work. If you go that route, I'd join the OleanderSoup group, get the coupon code and buy the CS from Utopia Silver. Of course, if you make your own, fine but they have records of what's healed or not by their CS. (no financial interest there, never bought anything, just trust some other folks who endorse them)

I would not use Black Salve or C-Herb or any concoction that includes bloodroot as stated below. They do work but leave ugly scars/holes and other things will work just as well normally.


David Bearrow wrote:
I would not use black salve on a nose as the nose tissue is too small and the black salve is very aggressive and you risk burning a hole in your nose if not burning your nose off completely.

On 7/28/2008 8:24:57 PM, George Knoll ( wrote:
> A friend of mine has a small skin cancer on the end of his nose.
> The doctor he went to said it was  Basil cell carcinoma .
> Does anyone know of something that will cure this kind of cancer without
> the disfiguring
> and cutting away the  tissue.
> George Knoll

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