I am right there with you David.  I joined this list to learn more about CS and 
it's advantages.  While I have learned some, I grow increasing weary of reading 
 off topic posts such as; 1) what we were bombarded with here and; 2) all the 
advantages of having a particular computer set-up.  Come on people, can we stay 
on topic here?


       Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 14:47:26 -0500 From:"David Bearrow" 
<chip...@verizon.net> To:silver-list@eskimo.com Subject: Re: CS>FDA Unleashes 
Mass Irradiation of Spinach, Lettuce and   Other  Vegetables                
Plain Text Attachment     [  Scan and Save to Computer      ]    
I'm seriously considering unsubscribing from this 
list due to paranoid delusionary posts such as 
this one which have nothing to do with the topic 
of colloidal silver. Its not even cleverly done 
by offering cs as an alternative antibacterial 
spray. This post is about manipulating emotion. 
It states a bunch of hypothesis as facts and 
offers nothing to back it up. This post is 
typical of kmilkowski's posts. Paranoid 
conspiracy off topic posts which divide the list 
and lead to more off topic posting. Its terribly 
distracting and its going to drive me away.
