Okay, I will put in  my little piece too.  

I've been with the group for a few years now, and was recommended to join after 
I bought my CS generator.  It has not been a disappointment.  Mike is a great 
moderator.  It's nice to feel that pretty much any subject can be raised, that 
there isn't someone in charge who has a strong opinion that weeds out any 
comments that don't fall in line with his own ideas. He will act behind the 
scenes if necessary, though.  And people really helped me get the confidence 
with  my CS making.

We have lost some great members along the way, people in practice or with 
experience, who had very useful input.  And new members have come along.  My 
impression - and I haven't been keeping any vigorous survey - is that while 
people may join and inject a new feel foreign to the existing group for a 
while, they do in time get a feel for the group and kind of fit in.  

I can't keep up with every post all the time, so go largely by the subject 
lines.  So if you don't look after your subject lines appropriately, you may 
not get read.  But at least you got your comment off your chest, and you are 
not taking up valuable archives space, because there aren't any archives.  And 
if anyone was consistently cross they would tend not to get read.

Some groups are tightly moderated and done well and are useful, with watchful 
eyes kindly reminding transgressors of the rules, the manners, the subject 
lines, whatever.  Some are not so much moderated as censored, so your comment 
may not even appear.  This group must be just about the most comfortable there 

"Out there" in forum land there are some nasty characters who have to speak 
contemptuously of others' opinions in one way or another like some sort of 
internet bullies.  We seem to be a pretty friendly bunch, pretty well mannered 
at least.  The character and comments vary over time, as people come and go, 
and people who came to learn about CS and succeeded stay to chat about other 
things too.  I think this is the group where I have had the biggest input on 
the widest range of subjects, and I've appreciated it.  It has led me up many 
different paths, and some of you have consistently turned in posts so valuable 
you have your own box where your posts get preserved. Others of you have your 
posts forwarded to my private little share-circle of health buddies around the 
world, which is the equivalent of having a gold star stuck on your essay; these 
posts are also preserved.  And as various ones remind us - the delete button 
works for when the sheer weight of input gets too much. 

Every now and then I think to myself that I really need to thin out my groups.  
But I know I will stick to my CS group.  Daddybob has a policy whereby even if 
he is not active on a group, he remains a member and looks in every now and 
then.  That's kind of what I do now - when a group gets less interesting, or if 
I feel the weight of posts too great, I set my preferences to no mail so that I 
can look in on the archives from time to time, or start to receive the mail 
again, and can still access any files they may have.  Some groups I don't go 
"no mail" on are the Rife forum, microelectricity, Frex, Crock Lakhovsky and 
now DMSO (again).  And the silver list of course.

Thanks Mike.

Speaking for myself.
