With the use of Silver being of the increase in the hospitals for use in so 
many areas and it also has been used with burn patients over the years in the 
burn centers. I feel that the use of silver will never be banned.  The medical 
field has found that it has been very useful.   My question to others  after 
knowing this info is why would the hospitals with their use and also the help 
healing critical burn patients let silver be banned from use?   Working in the 
emergency medical field for a good may years and also knowledge with my 
son-in-law in medical supplies with a very large hospital I do have this 
knowledge that the increase is on the rise with the use of CS and  my feelings 
that the hospitals will fully support the use of silver even in the medical 

I just had to add this to let others know that  for me I feel that a ban on 
silver really is out of the question.   Door to door   I just really had a good 
laugh from that and know this will never ever happen.  

I really  question about our government trying to reduce the population.   Just 
think about this for a minute.  We the working people  are supporting the rich 
which includes anyone working in the government.  If population is reduced  
more than normal deaths due to Dr. messing up and meds giving and causing more 
problems than the reason they had been taking the Rx  for in the first place 
why would they want less working people???  Just think about this  for a while 
and I'm sure you will understand what I'm talking about.  

The only thing that is involved is  the  be M    Money!!  Supply and demand and 
anyone treating theirselves naturally always reduces the demand on the meds 
being sold.  

Sorry everyone  I'm a very simple thinking person and this I know is the bottom 
line of this world we now live in, but to reduce the population means less 
money coming in for the rich! Bottom-line and this they don't want to do now or 
in the future.  The more people working  the more money  the government gets 
and with the sick go with the convention way of healing through RX and the Drs. 
they keep getting richer also.   

Just mo opinion but so simple to understand.     hagd and a great week 
everyone!!    Donna, Pa.