Interesting idea, Ken...

As for the taste of distilled water, I've been drinking the stuff from 
the store, brought home in 2 1/2 gallon jugs, for a number of years. It 
tastes much better than this, and actually quite good. It is steam 
distilled and ozonated.

I wonder if I'm going to have to aerate it as Bob suggests, and maybe 
even ozonate to get a similar good tasting product.

I know that distilled is hungry and will pick up anything in its 
environment. I've believed that really pure water is basically without 

No I don't have a good conductance meter, and my old TDS-1 is stashed 
somewhere with no batteries. Reading with an ohm meter I get both tap 
water and my "distilled" at about 600k and the bottled distilled at 
about 8-900 k... They're not very steady readings so this is sort of 
averaged by eye.

I need to look into filtering, while I continue to re-think the 
mechanical design.

Thanks for the advice and ideas, folks.

Be well,

Mike D.

>    You did check it with a good meter, right?
> Could be..the very pure water is 'pulling' flavors the wrong way through
> the taste buds...and you are tasting you? Aerate it [wait a few days]
> and see if it changes.
> Yes, really should charcoal filter it first
> Ode

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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