Sorry Dee,I should have checked before I sent that link.It doesn't work now and I also forgot to put in www.
However Dr Reams site has a great deal of excellent info.
The site I was trying for was this bit:>
"Quote from;" Dr Carey Reams Alive and Be Well."
"The PH is a measurement of resistance and indicates the speed at which energy is moving through the body.A reading of 6.4 is the ideal speed for energy moving through thr body.The pH is written as a fraction.The top number is the urine pH and the bottom number is the saliva pH.

Healing range is 6.2 to 6.6.If you add the urine to two times the saliva pH number and divide by three - the results will yield your average bodily pH. This is helpful in analyzing the direction of the overall pH of your body.Urine pH provides the information about the blood,saliva pH provides information about the liver."
: end of quote.
Hope this is helpful.

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